The Water Called Me

Maybe it's because my astrological sign is a water sign...My birthday is July 1.  So I'm a Cancer, the crab! I don't know, but I am drawn to the water. It is hard to put into words.  It is more of a feeling.  It's spiritual for me.  I feel like I NEED to be near some body of water. It brings a sense of calm to my hectic day to day...existence. It is my escape.

I had a 26 foot Celebrity Boat as a young bride about 20 years ago. But not only was I a young bride, I'd just had the first of my 2 sons. So my husband at the time had the time of his life out on the boat. But figuring out motherhood and wifehood (I know it's not a word) was my main focus. We had the boat for probably a good 7 years or so.  I didn't ever really get to enjoy it like I could have. But the pull, the calming effects of the water was always there calling me..waiting on me.

 I went through a devastating divorce eight years ago. I lost a lot.  My world was dark and I was terrified about the future. But I made the decision to not give up! Many times I found myself somewhere sitting near some water. Well after the rain, there is a rainbow. I am still healing. I look forward to the future. One thing I decided to do just recently, was to buy me another 26 ft Boat! It's new to me. I plan to take care of her and I hope you'll follow my journey. Let's decorate her. She's a girl, so she should have girly decor, don't you think? Well I encourage all of my fellow BoatHers to do the same. I have some pretty cool decorative items on the site and some pretty cool gear too. Let's start a Girls Boat Gang!

Life is a journey. We are the Captains. So when the winds are too strong, don't give up. There's always different routes to reach your destination. Believe you will figure it out. What is calling you? Trust yourself and listen to your heart. And answer the call. I'll catch you on the water Sis!


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